Texas Made Windows and More

Impact Windows vs Hurricane Shutters

September 12, 2022

One of the best ways to protect your home is to install impact windows or hurricane shutters. But which one should you choose? We’ll help you decide on this impact windows vs. hurricane shutters debate.

As a homeowner in an area with frequent hurricanes, one of your biggest concerns is the safety of your family and home. These monster storms can wreak havoc on the coastal regions and cause billions of dollars in damage. For example, Hurricane Harvey that hit the Texas coast in 2017 caused upwards of $125 billion. If you lived in the path of that storm, there’s a good chance you sustained a bit of that damage.

What are impact windows and hurricane shutters?

You’ve probably seen impact windows and hurricane shutters if you live in a hurricane-prone area such as Corpus Christi or somewhere else on the southeast coast. These are essential to protecting your home from the damaging winds and debris that can danger your family and your home during a hurricane or other severe weather.

So what’s the big deal with these specialty windows and shutters? What exactly are they?

Impact windows are specially designed windows that can withstand the impact of flying debris during a hurricane. They’re made with impact-resistant glass and a strong frame and tested to ensure they can withstand the force of the wind, rain, and other debris flying through the air.

On the other hand, hurricane shutters are removable panels that you can put on your windows to protect them from wind and debris. They’re typically made of metal or plywood and are easy to install and remove. While your windows may not be impact-resistant, the shutters will help to protect them from damage.

So, which is better? Impact windows vs. hurricane shutters? Here’s a look at the pros and cons of each option.

Impact-resistant windows.

Let’s start with impact-resistant windows. These windows have several advantages.

Sectional sofa in a large luxury interior home

For one, they’re permanent. Once installed, you don’t have to worry about putting them up or taking them down each time a hurricane is headed your way. This is one of the most significant advantages if you don’t have help putting up or closing the shutters before a storm.

They also provide a clear view. Unlike shutters, which can block your view of the outside, impact-resistant windows won’t impact your view at all. In fact, you may not even notice that they’re there.

Plus, impact-resistant windows can add to the value of your home. If you’re looking to sell, buyers will be impressed by the added safety feature, and you may be able to get a higher price for your home as a result.

On the downside, impact-resistant windows can be expensive. They typically cost nearly double the cost of standard windows.

In addition to being relatively expensive, don’t be fooled by their name. These windows are impact-resistant, not impact-proof. That means that while they can withstand the impact of flying debris, they’re not entirely indestructible. They may still break, but in most cases, you can rest assured the debris isn’t going to get through and into your home.

Hurricane shutters.

Now, let’s take a look at hurricane shutters. We’re not talking about boarding up windows with plywood, we’re talking about shutters that are fixed to your home.  These shutters have many advantages as well.

Strong, reliable hurricane shutters protecting windows - essential storm protection.
Shielding your home with durable hurricane shutters – peace of mind in any storm.

For one, they’re less expensive than impact-resistant windows. That’s because they’re made of inexpensive materials, such as plywood or metal. Since impact-resistant windows cost much more than standard windows, this option might be appealing because you can get a typical builder-grade window and still have a level of protection.

Another appealing advantage is that they’re easier to install than impact-resistant windows. Of course, you may need some carpentry skills and a few tools, but generally, they’re not as complicated to put up. This is a significant advantage if you do it yourself or don’t have much help. Unlike windows which require professional installation, these are a breeze. Once installed, closing them before a storm can be done by anyone and usually only takes a few minutes.

The disadvantage of hurricane shutters is that they’re an active protection measure meaning for them to provide the protection, you have to emplace them physically. At the same time, the windows constantly protect your home; with the shutters, you have to go outside before the storm and put them up. This can be a hassle, especially if you’re doing it alone or have a large home with many windows.

Another downside to these shutters is that they block your view. During a storm, you may lose power, and if your shutters are closed, it will be dark. You might want to see how bad the storm is getting but cannot if your shutters are up.

Which is the best option for you?

This is a question we get often, and unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on your specific situation.

Some factors to consider include:

  • The cost of impact-resistant windows vs. hurricane shutters.
  • The size of your home.
  • The number of windows you have.
  • Whether or not you have help to put up.

So, impact windows or hurricane shutters? As you can see, each option has its pros and cons. It comes down to what’s most important to you and your budget. Consider the cost, installation, level of protection, and impact on your view when making your decision.

Final thoughts.

Both impact-resistant windows and hurricane shutters can provide adequate protection for your home during a hurricane. However, even with the best windows, flooding and storm surges are not stopping. So if there’s an evacuation warning for your area, get your family to a safe place.

As for your home, the best option for you depends on your budget, the size of your home, and how many windows you have. Consider all of these factors before making a decision.

If you’re unsure, talk to a professional about which option would be best for your home. They’ll be able to help you decide and conduct a thorough assessment of your home so you can make the best choice for your situation.

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